Polkadot Contributions


My name is Alexander (Sasha) Gryaznov (@agryaznov). I am a Rank II (Proficient) member of the Polkadot Technical Fellowship.

As a core engineer at Parity Technologies, I’ve been working on Polkadot SDK, its pallet-contracts module, and ink! smart contracts language and other related stuff for some time.

As a largest user-facing module in FRAME, pallet-contracts depends and relies on many things in Substrate and beyond.

I was improving those things widely:

New features introduced into the pallet require end-to-end implementation through the whole smart contracts stack. Those are basically FRAME -> pallet_contracts -> ink! -> polkadotjs | cargo-contract kind of changes, which I was pleased to implement across all the layers involved.

Pull Requests

You can find my commits to polkadot-sdk here, and to ink! here.

Among my pull requests, I’d like to highlight the following ones:

I fixed a good number of vulnerability issues found in the pallet during thorough security audit. (Albeit those ones can’t be explicitly listed here for security reasons).

Network Involvement

Aside from coding contributions, I’m running a couple of validators (you can find their addresses here) for more than a year so far, with no slashes, no chill. Recently I started making fun with launching Yerba experimental smart-contracts parachain, which is a network for YOLO-testing cutting-edge pallet-contracts & ink! features.


Time to time I publish articles concerning Polkadot-related tech to my blog. (The first such post was made in May 2019).