About Me

Hi  and Welcome to my Blog!

Who Am I

My name is Alexander Gryaznov, I’m an ex core engineer at Parity Technologies and Rank II (Proficient) member of the Polkadot Technical Fellowship.


Currently I’m working on Polkadot smart contracts tech ☂ umbrella, in particular:

You can read more on my Polkadot contributions here.

My Validators

Those are my Kusama validators:
  • EQHdPbmAySkGg8UmTDfnVTkU7FhQ1ytKPMopsoN7Kuy2eth | Sasha/Alzymologist-00
  • EkDQN44Bn4SB9oLQTk5fSxCeRPFYAndH8dCGNeRAMLjfp41 | Sasha/Alzymologist-01

Feel free to nominate them!


 blog 🐶 agryaznov.com
